
目前显示的是 八月, 2019的博文

You should listen to the advice of professional led flood light manufacturers

In recent years, the installation of a large number of landscape lights in the city, to a certain extent, improve the overall image of the city, but also caused a huge waste of resources.Some counties, towns and villages have also started night landscape projects, many places of landscape lighting even overnight open.Landscape lights consume a lot of electricity and open for a long time. Too many light sources cause serious light pollution, which also causes new environmental pollution and intensifies energy consumption. Led flood light manufacturer  to this proposal: governmental orgnaization should take the lead to advocate healthy life idea, increase propaganda the harm of light pollution.Under the  premise of ensuring basic lighting and not affecting the normal life of the masses, the external landscape lighting of public buildings is reduced and the opening time of municipal landscape lights is shortened.Landscape lighting is charged at a rate higher than that of lighting, and th

Classification and design skills of 6 landscape rgb flood lights

Buildings, courtyards, squares, block shops, gardens, roads and other forms the basic carrier of urban night lighting.Different carriers have different landscape lighting Settings and control modes. 1、Landscape  rgb flood lights  for tall buildings Tall buildings are the symbol of a city and the focus of the city's night lighting.Through the analysis of the properties, characteristics and surrounding environment of the building, the lighting scheme is conceived and the expected effect is predicted.Usually for tall buildings, color floodlights with layered lighting can be used to show the appearance of the building.At the same time, some local lighting is set in the convex and concave parts of the building to strengthen the shadow, form a layer, improve the three-dimensional sense, so as to make the modeling more rich;Then through the modern lighting dimming, toning means, to create and building color color harmony, and achieve a distinct artistic effect.Especially the housetop

What are the features and advantages of rgb led flood light?

Now industrial lights will use  rgb led flood light , but the price of LED floodlights is higher than the general energy-saving lights, so why rgb led flood lights are so popular? rgb led flood light refers to the LED lighting lamps used in the production work in factories and other sites.If according to the lighting function for LED floodlights classification, can be divided into general lighting and local lighting two kinds. Ordinary lighting usually means that  rgb led flood lights  are uniformly placed above the work area or on the side wall, so as to ensure that their lights can shine on the working place. Local light refers to the  rgb led flood light  for a certain part of the work area of the key lights.This way of lighting can enhance the lighting effect of a certain work place on the basis of general lighting. rgb led flood light power consumption low, high color index, strong earthquake resistance, long service life, green environmental protection, is the best c

What’s the difference between rgb flood lights and LED Downlights?

LED Downlight When contacting LED equipments, sometimes we come across two different equipments, LED Downlights and  rgb LED flood lights . So what is the difference between them? LED Downlight is also called LED spotlight, LED castlight, LED shoot light and so on, it mainly used for architectural decoration lighting, and commercial space lighting, decorative elements are heavier, its appearance is round and square, because generally have to consider the cause of heat dissipation, so there are some differences between the shape and the traditional spotlight. features of LED Downlight: At present, the commonly used LED Downlight in the market basically choose 1W high-power LED(each LED component will have a high-efficiency lens made of PMMA, whose main function is to distribute the light emitted by LED, namely secondary optics). There are also a few companies that choose 3W or even higher power LED due to the good heat dissipation technology.Suitable for large occasions, such