
目前显示的是 四月, 2021的博文

Why does everyone like to choose a round custom ring?

  Regardless of whether a   custom ring   is inlaid with a single diamond or a full set of diamonds, for any bride, a round diamond ring is their first choice. This is not only because of the classic beauty of round diamonds but also because of the round shape. The ease of use of diamonds. What is the charm of round diamonds? Today, let us enter its world to see what its classic charm lies. Round rings are usually very simple. It is a daily style that can be worn every day, not limited to married people or proposers. Some fashionable people will also choose to wear some fashionable rings as daily clothing to improve their temperament, but under the simple shape, it has too classic superb technology and exquisite details. Rings are also more suitable for discovering "one type of multiple wear" design series. Through the combination and conversion of jewelry elements, it can flexibly explain the different wearing needs of consumers, including the particularity and diversity of

What does it mean to give a lover necklace? How to wear it correctly?

  Custom-made necklaces   are one of the most popular pieces of jewelry for women in contemporary times. At the same time, there are many materials for necklaces, such as K gold, platinum, sterling silver, and gold. But besides this, there are also many styles of necklaces. Wearing the correct necklace can not only modify your neck, visually make your neck longer and thinner, and increase the finishing touch! 1. What is the meaning of giving a lover necklace? Necklace Story: This means to lock you tight, I hope you are the only one in my heart. The wearing part of the necklace is very close to the heart, and the necklace will have a locking effect, which means that the other party does not want you to be taken away by others, but wants to accompany you for life. If a boy sends a girl’s necklace to a girl, it means "love." If a girl sends a necklace to a boy, it means that the person wants to entangle you firmly and express his love and cherished for you. If you are single or

The hip-hop bracelet is too long, I have a way

  Exquisite hip-hop jewelry will surely be loved by everyone, especially those trendy people, who will buy a variety of different styles of jewelry, a variety of   customized hip-hop jewelry , and so on. At the same time, when they are shopping, sometimes they occasionally look at certain bracelets. If it looks good, they will choose to buy it directly, and when the style of the bracelet increases, you will encounter the problem of the bracelet is too long. The movable clasp bracelet can be adjusted in length, but what should I do if I change it to another hip-hop bracelet? Let's look down! 1. The hip-hop bracelet is too long, and if it is long enough, you can choose to wrap it around your wrist several times for easy wearing. There is no need to shorten or damage the bracelet. 2. In addition, you can also buckle the button slightly, or wrap the excess bracelet with a thin iron wire, which can also shorten the length of the bracelet. 3. For those hip-hop bracelets made of beads, yo

How to customize your own exclusive jewelry?

  How to customize your own hip-hop jewelry, hip-hop necklace, hip-hop wrist, and other jewelry? In fact,   customizing hip-hop jewelry  and other hip-hop-style accessories is very simple. Among them, the most common is the customization of necklaces and jewelry, while the proportion of customization of hip-hop necklaces is relatively high. After all, it is one of the must-haves for contemporary people who like the hip-hop style. After receiving the customer's customization intention, the jewelry brand will first ask the customer's budget, because a relatively stable budget can provide customers with some solutions. For example, if the client's budget is about xx US dollars, then the jewelry brand can be based on this budget. Recommend different grades and colors of hip-hop accessories to customers. You must know that there are thousands of hip-hop matches. The same hip-hop accessory has different color grades, and the same color grade has different color clarity. Of course

What are the advantages and processes of customized hip-hop jewelry?

Unique hip-hop jewelry has become a follower of all fashion people and is one of the most precious memorials of modern times. This highly personalized hip-hop jewelry is very popular among young people. For this reason, the related issues of  custom hip-hop jewelry  have also attracted a lot of attention. The following is a practical guide that can directly help you analyze the advantages of custom jewelry, followed by the process and purchase considerations. Advantages of jewelry customization Personalized advantage: You can match different styles of jewelry according to your needs to make your favorite jewelry style, and you can also design new style hip-hop jewelry according to your personal preferences. It also supports lettering and printing on hip-hop jewelry. Attach your own commemorative token or engraved text to make it your only commemorative token; Price advantage: Hip-hop jewelry customization is not necessarily cheaper than buying finished jewelry directly, but compared to

There are several steps in customizing hip-hop jewelry

Nowadays, more and more people who are pursuing the difference are beginning to embark on the road of customization. Not only can they be customized in the home environment, but also in clothing and dressing, and even some small ornaments of people can be customized, such as hip-hop. Jewelry. So, what do you know about  custom hip-hop jewelry ? And what are the steps for customizing hip-hop jewelry? What should be paid attention to? Next, this article will tell you the answer 1. The first step in custom jewelry measurement When  customizing hip-hop jewelry , the first thing you have to do is measure its diameter, whether it's hip-hop necklaces or rings and other hip-hop jewelry. Under normal circumstances, the jewelry store will provide a comparison card for the customized buyer in the distance, and the buyer only needs to follow the instructions provided by the clerk. What if it is inconvenient to go to the jewelry store to measure the diameter of custom jewelry? Buyers who are in

Customized boutique jewelry rings, look here!

  In contemporary society, whether it is a street or an alley, it has become a gathering place for some fashionable people. Jewelry rings of various design styles are favored by most fashion people. However, at present, many brands of jewelry rings have gradually withered on the street. In the end, they can no longer meet the needs of consumers. At the same time, as more and more trendy people pursue their own personalized lifestyle, it is precisely Therefore, they are also looking for manufacturers who can customize their own rings. However, what troubles them is, where can they find manufacturers of professional   Custom jewelry rings   ? 1、 First, check to see if a jewelry manufacturer has a proper business license Business licenses are easy to obtain. As long as it is a legal business, organizations and individuals with standardized business premises and equipment can open jewelry ring custom shops. However, the main business of some stores has nothing to do with custom jewelry rin

The custom necklace is broken, can it be repaired ?

In daily life, some friends basically wear their own customized necklaces to go out to play, but sometimes they suddenly break and damage the necklaces. Among them, necklace chains and buckles are the easiest to break. Once the necklace is broken, it will affect everyone's wearing and use. In addition, many small partners mainly buy exclusive  custom necklaces   from brand vendors. For friends, brand-name necklaces are a big loss. So, what should I do if the necklace is broken? Where is the professional necklace welding shop? What if the necklace breaks? 1.Send the necklace to the brand counter for repair If the necklace you just bought is broken, you can take the necklace to the counter for repair. You should know that any damage caused by the quality of the necklace can be repaired at the counter for free. When buying a necklace, please keep the proof of purchase in case you need it. 2. Possess welding technology to choose to weld by yourself The brand counter cannot be repaired,

What should I do if I buy a large ring?

  Recently, many friends came to Shining to complain, saying that they went to the manufacturer of   custom jewelry rings . Due to a momentary negligence, the ring was accidentally designated too large, and it was easy to loosen and fall when putting on the ring. Also due to various reasons, the ring cannot be replaced and repaired. Many friends don’t know what to do, in fact, don’t be afraid. If you buy a large ring, you can change it to a smaller size. Washers can also be used, and other methods can also be used for processing. Next, Shining will introduce some methods to deal with large rings, I hope it will be helpful to everyone! 1. Ring replacement No matter where you customized the ring, you should go to them to apply for the ring to be re-sized. Friends can take the ring to the store where you bought the ring, usually you can change it to the same and smaller one. The ring replaces it. However, some friends bought rings from overseas or specialty stores in Hong Kong and Macau.