What should I do if I buy a large ring?

 Recently, many friends came to Shining to complain, saying that they went to the manufacturer of custom jewelry rings. Due to a momentary negligence, the ring was accidentally designated too large, and it was easy to loosen and fall when putting on the ring. Also due to various reasons, the ring cannot be replaced and repaired. Many friends don’t know what to do, in fact, don’t be afraid. If you buy a large ring, you can change it to a smaller size. Washers can also be used, and other methods can also be used for processing. Next, Shining will introduce some methods to deal with large rings, I hope it will be helpful to everyone!

1. Ring replacement

No matter where you customized the ring, you should go to them to apply for the ring to be re-sized. Friends can take the ring to the store where you bought the ring, usually you can change it to the same and smaller one. The ring replaces it. However, some friends bought rings from overseas or specialty stores in Hong Kong and Macau. These rings cannot be replaced locally. At this time, other methods are needed!

2.Cut the gold method to change the small size

If the ring cannot be replaced, it needs to be changed to a smaller size by cutting gold. The jewelry repairman at Shining Heart Luxury Repair and Maintenance Center told the craftsman that the method of cutting gold is to cut off a small part of the ring. Then welding, polishing and grinding to eliminate welding marks. Many rings are very large, they will use the method of cutting gold to change the small size.

custom jewelry rings

3. Washer method

In addition to the gold cutting method that can change the size of the small ring, the gasket method can also change the size of the small ring. The gasket method is to manufacture a gasket of the same material embedded on the inner wall of the ring according to the size of the inner wall of the ring to reduce the size of the ring. Another advantage of the gasket method is that it can be removed. If the ring becomes smaller and cannot be worn later, you can also remove the gasket and then change the size of the ring to a larger ring. Very practical, many small partners will use the washer method to change the size of the small ring when the ring is big.

In addition to the gold cutting method that can change the size of the small ring, the gasket method can also change the size of the small ring. The gasket method is to manufacture a gasket of the same material embedded on the inner wall of the ring according to the size of the inner wall of the ring to reduce the size of the ring. Another advantage of the gasket method is that it can be removed. If the ring becomes smaller and cannot be worn later, you can also remove the gasket and then change the size of the ring to a larger ring. Very practical, many small partners will use the washer method to change the size of the small ring when the ring is big.

Friends in need can leave a message in the background of Shining Heart's official website to learn more about the method and cost of changing the size of the ring to a smaller size. At the same time, we can also help you customize the jewelry ring. What you think is up to us to create it for you.



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