Do you go to the counter or private custom when you buy jewelry? Have you noticed these points?

 At present, there are more and more brand stores such as custom jewelry, custom necklaces, and custom hip-hop jewelry, and their reputations are also very good. Therefore, when buying jewelry, you can choose between private customization and counter. There are advantages between the two, which mainly depend on your own needs. Buying jewelry now pays more attention to the quality of jewelry materials than jewelry brands, because you can buy more quality jewelry at the same price in jewelry customization stores.

For ordinary consumers, choosing a branded diamond ring has more brand endorsement as a guarantee. If you order a loose diamond directly, there is still a certain risk. First, you need to understand the authenticity of the authentication certificate, and secondly, an after-sales service after inlay The problem, of course, is to buy fake diamonds. After all, diamonds are still very difficult for ordinary people to identify. This requires choosing a good merchant, and you need to be cautious about valuables.

Jewelry is divided into categories to choose custom or counter purchase

There are too many categories of jewelry, and the jewelry materials included are very rich. Whether we choose to order or buy at counters, we need to look at the category and price to choose, such as low-priced gold jewelry, platinum jewelry, 18K gold necklaces, K gold earrings and Diamond rings below 20 points can be purchased at the brand counters. These prices are not very high, and the price is not much different from the customized prices. It is better to choose the counters directly without worry.

custom hip-hop jewelry

Custom jewelry is not a panacea, some jewelry is suitable for customization

The customization of jewelry is actually a big concept, and not all jewelry is suitable for customization. Pure customization refers to the customization of diamond rings and the customization of big-name jewelry. The jewelry materials that can be customized are diamonds, pearls, colored gems, jade, 18K gold, coral, etc., these are more profitable jewelry for jewelry stores. Generally speaking, there are more customized diamond rings because they are just needed for marriage.

Advantages of private custom jewelry

The advantage of private customization is that it is cheaper than counters, because the counters have brand premiums, and there is no private customization. Therefore, private customized jewelry is suitable for diamonds, emeralds, pearls, colored gems, etc. The styles can imitate the big names or according to your own needs. Design, the styles designed by some private custom shops are still very good, not to lose the big-name design. Customization is the price of one point for the quality. You can buy the big and good stones as much as you have a budget. You can choose better quality for the same price. This is the reason why many people choose high-end.

Custom jewelry

The last point is that after-sales service is particularly important. This also needs to be asked clearly. Problems related to trade-in or repair and maintenance must be known in advance because jewelry needs maintenance and maintenance during the wearing process.

In short, whether it is a counter or private customization, the choice is based on your own budget. There is no leakage of jewelry that can be picked up. Please be careful about the high-quality and low-priced jewelry on a certain treasure. It is better to spend more money on the counter to buy at least fidelity, this Is the most important.



What should I do if I buy a large ring?

Customized boutique jewelry rings, look here!